Set up Couchpotato
March 14th, 2018, 13:26
In order to connect your CouchPotato with any of your Torrent Clients please follow the steps below.
- Open CouchPotato
- Go to Settings
- Enable Advanced Settings
- Go to Downloaders
- Toggle "Show Advanced" from the upper right
To connect with rtorrent/ruTorrent 3.8:
- Enable rTorrent
- Use the following configuration:
- SSL Enabled: Yes
- SSL Verify: No
- RPC Url: RPC2
- Username: YOURRTORRENTUSERNAME (Default on Cloudbox page)
- Password: YOURTORRENTPASSWORD (Default on Cloudbox page)
- Test Connection
To connect with Deluge
- Enable Deluge
- Use the following configuration:
- Host: CLOUDBOXIP:TCPASSIGNEDPORT (as shown on Deluge app on your Cloudbox page)
- Username: YOURDELUGEUSERNAME (Default on Cloudbox page)
- Password: YOURDELUGEPASSWORD (Default on Cloudbox page)
- Test Connection