Set up Plexdrive
May 14th, 2018, 17:30

You can install Plexdrive within your Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit (docker container) and make it accessible to all of you installed apps.

  1. Make sure you install SSH Access app which is a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 64bit LTS.
  2. Enable SUDO on this app.
  3. Once you have enabled SUDO then login to your Ubuntu via SSH and follow the steps below.
    sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get install -y fuse screen
    sudo mkdir /mnt/shared/config/plexdrive
    sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/shared/config/plexdrive
    sudo wget
    sudo mv plexdrive-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/plexdrive
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/plexdrive
    sudo mkdir -m 777 -p /mnt/shared/fusemounts/plexdrive
    sudo screen -R plexdrive
    sudo plexdrive -v 3 --refresh-interval=1m --chunk-check-threads=16 --chunk-load-threads=16 --chunk-load-ahead=16 --max-chunks=256 --chunk-size=5M mount -o allow_other --gid=911 --uid=911 --cache-file=/mnt/shared/config/plexdrive/cache.bolt -c /mnt/shared/config/plexdrive/ /mnt/shared/fusemounts/plexdrive
  4. Now visit to create a new Google Developer App needed and obtain Client ID and Secret key.
  5. Press CTRL+SHIFT+a+d or CTRL+d to exit screen and leave plexdrive run in background