Setup Medusa
September 3rd, 2021, 19:35


Medusa is an automatic video library manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.

Beta Program

Participating in beta program gives you the ability to install a lot more apps. However, being in beta program, gives you the responsibility to send us feedback regarding its performance, stability and other useful information in order to be improved and be launched to the public.

In order to join our beta program, you may create a ticket from your Dashboard.


Step 1 - Install Medusa app

Find Medusa on the available apps to install and click Install.

Step 2 - Open up Medusa

  1. Head to the settings by clicking the gear icon in top right corner.
  2. Go to Search Providers: You need to add search providers in order download the series of your choice.

Step 3 - Configure torrent client

Go to Search Settings > Torrent Search and add the following settings:

  • Search torrents: (Yes)
  • Send .torrent files to: (choose the torrent client that you are using)
  • Client host:port:,
    where username is your cloudbox username. Copy & Paste the link from your torrent client and add '/RPC2' at the end.

       ( In case you have dedicated ip (Private network enabled) , you will need to connect via http://IP:PORT instead of the       

  1.        Where IP = IP of you private network
  2.        Where PORT = Port (Web Interface port) of the specific app
  • Http Auth: Basic
  • Verify Cert: (No)
  • Client Username: (your torrent client's username)
  • Client Password:  (your torrent client's password)
  • Downloaded files location: (/mnt/shared/media/tvshows)

Then save changes and click the "Test Connection" button to make sure everything went well.

Step 4 - Add your favorite shows

  1. Go to "Shows" menu
  2. Click "Add Shows"
  3. Click "Add new show"
  4. Fill in the search field and and search for the show of your choice!


You have successfully setup Medusa app on your Cloudbox.